All Confirmed boys and girls are encouraged to serve at Mass. A training is needed prior to serving. Contact the parish office for more information. Servers are scheduled through the ministry schedule.
These ministers are responsible for the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ during Communion time at mass. All Extraordinary ministers go through a training and then are scheduled through the ministry schedule.
Brining the gifts to the altar to be blessed is a wonderful ministry in our church. Families and individuals are encouraged to participate in this integral part of the mass by calling the parish office.
Studies have shown people make the decision to return or not in the first 10 minutes after they arrive and the last 5 minutes as they are leaving. Come be a greeter, help others to know God loves them and they are welcome at Holy Family. Greeters are scheduled through the ministry schedule.
Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. In and through them God speaks to the gathered faithful. The ministry of the word, therefore, is treated seriously and with great dignity. New Lectors are always welcome and scheduled through the ministry schedule.
Duties include preparing the vessels for Mass and cleaning the vessels following Mass. Contact the Parish Office for more details.
The ushers of Holy Family play an integral role in our parish spirit. They provide us with the comfort of a friendly greeting when we enter the Church for Mass.This ministry helps with the collection and distribution of bulletins at each mass. Please call the parish office to sign up for this important ministry.
Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Conn., and a group of parishioners.
Their intent? To bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families.
Together, we’re empowering Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in their community.
Our Knights assist the Parish in many ways including Donut Sunday, Saturday Workdays Once a Month, Fundraising efforts, Fellowship Events, and so much for.
For more informtion on the Knights and meeting times check the bulletin or visit
Mr. Peter Miller is our Music Director. Please contact Peter to learn more and begin participating in our music ministry.
Mass Choir – All singers of all ages and backgrounds come together to enhance the liturgy for our masses. Practices are on Wednesday evenings and the choir sings with the organ at various Masses throughout the year.
Cantors – Our cantors sing with an accompanist to help lead the congregation in the music liturgy during the mass. New cantors are always welcome. Simply contact Peter Miller for more information.
Contemporary Group – Our contemporary group is composed of pianist, guitars, electric bass, drums, and vocals. This group assists with Mass liturgy on the first and third weekends of the month. Contact the office to learn more about the contemporary group.
Adoration is on Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1p.m. Please sign up for a 30-minute slot on the sheet in the vestibule. Any questions, call Sandy Yelovich, 217-855-1196.
St. Mary’s Hospital 24-hour Adoration is in need of volunteers. If you can help, call 217-877-6716 or 217-521-1755 .
Arrangements for Baptisms are made by calling the parish office. Participation at the Baptismal Preparation Class for parents is a requirement for the celebration of the sacrament. If you need to take a class, please contact the parish office at 217-423-6223.
Rite of Christian Initiation – preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments. )
Classes for those interested in joining the Catholic faith begin in the fall of each year and continue through the Easter season. Please call the parish office to inquire about the sessions.
The Rosary is after Mass on Mon., Tues., Wed. Come & pray with us after Mass. What a wonderful way to begin your day— Mass & Rosary!
We will host a week long Vacation Bible School for ages 4 and older (must be potty trained) in June. Watch the bulletin for details.
Each season we offer a different small-group adult faith opportunity. Watch the bulletin for details.
We are a community of prayer. If you or a loved one is in need of special prayer, contact Barb Lesyna, 217-428-0058.